Together We Can Do So Much

Blessings in a Book Bag Inc. wants to insure that impoverished elementary school children and families in need are fed on the weekends throughout the school year and over the Summers.

Better test scores, improved reading skills, positive behavior, improved health and increased attendance have all been attributed to the success of this program.
BIBB Events
14th Annual MLK 5k/10K

Our 14th Annual MLK 5k/10K was a huge success! For 14 years we've partnered with Howe 2 Run and Endurance Race Services here in our city to ensure each year is bigger and better than the last. We had over 70 Runners, walkers, and supporters come from far and near to raise awareness on child hunger in our community! What a way to kick off the new year and support our local community
14th Annual Pack Attack & Thanksgiving Giveaway
In collaboration with the Eichholz Law Firm, Blessings in a Bookbag, Inc hosted its 14th annual Pack Attack & Turkey and Fixings giveaway. We are really excited because for 14 straight years we’ve been able to partner with some amazing people here in our city to make sure that the holidays are a little brighter for those in our community.
We had the opportunity to do our pack attack which we had so many of the community members from the islands, and the downtown City of Savannah come together to pack bags.
On the list of donated food items for families to enjoy this holiday season were turkeys, Cornish hens, and 100 bags filled with Thanksgiving sides. Every year we try to ensure that we purchase local turkeys from Red and White so that our dollar stays here in the city.
This is what it’s about people coming together to make sure that for the holiday season each one teaches one, each one gives.

Join us at HYPE University for financial literacy courses designed to help you build wealth and break generational poverty. Whether you're repairing credit, buying a home, or starting a business, we're here to help. Classes are on select Wednesdays and Saturdays in Oct, Nov, and Dec. Ready to level up? Click the link to register!
Past BIBB Events


SCAD honors Blessings in a Book Bag for its continued dedication to underserved youth and the work being done to end food insecurity for low-income families.
For more outstanding Savannah community leaders, visit scad.edu/salutes.