Founded by Weslyn “Mahogany” Bowers in 2011, Blessings in a Book Bag (BIBB) is a 501c3 non-profit organization based out of Savannah. BIBB feeds over 100 students and families at Otis Brock Elementary school and families throughout our city. It is designed to feed elementary school children whose families have little or no food to eat on the weekends. The organization serves by feeding over 130 at-need children every Friday. Blessings In A Book Bag also serves as a local pantry for those in the community that is in need of food services. Additionally, the organization provides school supplies, school uniforms, and other necessities for school. This allows kids to enjoy being kids and focus on schoolwork with a little less worry.
Weslyn Mahogany Bowers
Community Leader – Youth & Elderly Advocate - Influencer
Weslyn Mahogany Bowers, a Savannah Georgia native born in West Savannah, is a
community advocate and influencer, radio personality for IHeart Media for eleven years,
prior speaker for TEDx (The Difference Between Being Right and Righteous) and a
Susan G Komen Big Wig in 2018, an author and the CEO of two premier companies
based out of Savannah, Georgia. In 2007, Mahogany launched Next Level Signatures
Services Training, which provides customized customer service and hospitality continual
education sessions and brand ambassador to multi-million dollar regional companies, her
impressive clientele list entails McDonald’s, T-Mobile, Publix, Savannah Mitsubishi, and
The Limited to name a few.
Next Level Signature Services Training offers fast and efficient soft skill training
sessions that improve the bottom line, encourage engaging customer service that creates
loyal customers, provide individual and on-site training sessions, as well as extended
support training contracts. In 2011, she took her love for being a regional brand
ambassador to the local streets of her hometown in Savannah and coined the 501c3 non-profit organization Blessing In A Book Bag Inc. The goal of this nonprofit is to close the
hunger gap in her community. The organization packs over 100 book bags filled with
non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food items to sustain the students over the weekends.
The mission is higher test scores, reduced absences, and overall better health.
Since building two major companies and an exciting brush with the entertainment world,
her accomplishments have spilled over into the publication realm - she is the author of
the acclaimed book “I Needed This” and has been featured on radio, tv, and magazines.
“I Needed This” is an inspirational quote book that motivates the readers never to give up
and provokes deep thought. She is currently writing her second book entitled “ The Little
Girl Off A Half Paved Dirt Road “
Mahogany has a degree from Savannah Technical College in Hospitality Management &
Business and attended Savannah State University in the field of Marketing & Public
Relations with a concentration in journalism.